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December 2019
The last meeting of 2019 took place on December 11th and saw Cyril Parsons, Derek Doling, Graham Aylett, Richard Page and Terry Brooks, display their post cards reflecting their interests in Philately.

After the break we shared Mince pies Christmas cake and a drop of wine all prepared by our Packet Secretary Barbara.
Wednesday November 13th 2019
Members of the Leighton Buzzard philatelic society came to display some of their areas of collecting which included Paul Peacock Falkland Islands and dependencies

John Hossack Mail ships and their cargo’s to and from Sierra Leone

and John Spencer Cruising the Bristol Chanel and the history of the ships that paddle steamers that provided the link between Wales and the Somerset and Devon coastal towns.

October the 9th
The October the 9th meeting saw three members of the Malay study circle, Matin Roper a long standing member of the ADPS, Mike Padmore and Dominic Morris give displays covering the wide study of Malaya postal history to include all aspects of Philately.

Martin Roper

Mike Padmore

Dominic Morris
September 11th 2019. Chairman entertains
Our first meeting of the new season started with a study of the Postage underpaid system from the days before postage stamps Through the long period of Postage-due stamps up to the present day of a standard charge for underpayment that is rapidly rising. After the break he shared some of his early correspondence between titled people and also some to and from notorious characters. His display was presented with mail and documents supplemented with photographs related to the subject..

July the 10th.
We were enthralled at the last meeting before the summer break by a talk on Danzig during World War 1 by our friend and fellow member Giles du Boulay.

Giles gave a 180 page display which was just a fraction of his entire study of the subject. Gile’s display included some unique items from this period of time in a country which is now part of Poland and an insight to the individuals who were making history at that time..

May 8th 2019. Cyril Parsons : The history Post boxes.
Cyril started his power point display with illustrations pre dating the pillar box A time when the mail receiver would stand in the street to collect the letters for posting to the first pillar boxes in Britain followed by some really unusual ones from other countries.

April 10th 2019. A visit from maidenhead Philatelic Society
This evening we were entertained with two displays of stamps covering Nigeria, including the Oil rivers and British Levant stamps from 1885-1923.

Starting with stamps from the Niger coast which were British issues overprinted “British Protectorate. Oil Rivers” These were shown courtesy of Tony Simmons this issue produced many errors and flaws which were prolifically displayed along with covers and post cards of the time. Tony Stanford also showed stamps of Nigeria plus Unappropriated Die stamps produced the Bechuanaland’s

February 13th.Graham Aylet entertains
A brilliant evenings entertainment courtesy of long standing member of the Aylesbury Philatelic Society Graham Aylet.

With good humour and a great deal of knowledge Graham treated us to an evening of a lifetime of stamps literally starting from day one of Grahams life to the present day which spans a considerable many years.

Grahams talk included his father’s time in Egypt where he met Lawrence of Arabia and a display just as diverse as his memories.
